Want to achieve your fitness goals while having fun?


Strength and conditioning is specifically designed for women by Healthy Living Naturally’s head coach, Mary Ann. Our fitness programs are constantly varied and jammed packed with functional movements to maximize calorie burning.

As with my Health Coach service, I offer both one-on-one and group fitness training. Physical exercise and movement are a non-negotiable part of any plan to improve your overall health. This applies to persons of any age and any condition.

Exercise can include coaching in a gym or a home setting. Depending upon your goals, you may use special equipment or you may simply use body weight exercises. Many of my clients get excellent results with just a jump rope and hula hoop.

Let Mary Ann help you realize the amazing things your body can actually do!

Ladies Boot Camp:

  • Ladies only
  • Friendly small group fitness environment
  • Constantly varied
  • High intensity interval training
  • Lots of fun!

50+ Group Fitness

  • Resistance and strength training for the over 50s
  • Train with like minded ladies with similar fitness goals
  • Friendly small group fitness environment
  • Improve stability and mobility
  • Improve confidence

Personal Training

Mary Ann will design a fitness program tailored to your very own fitness goals. Whether your goal is to:

  • Loose body fat
  • Build muscle
  • Achieve a specific sports goal
  • Look great on your wedding day
  • Get your pre-baby body back

Mary Ann can help you work towards your specific fitness goals.