Health Coach

Hi, I’m Mary Ann and welcome to my site. I am so happy that you are visiting because it tells me that you are seeking optimum radiant health. You have come to the right place. Are you putting yourself first when it comes to Health and Happiness? As a health coach, it is my job to make sure that you are on the right path.

I began my journey in 1993 at the age of 30 when I was pregnant with my first child. My husband and I decided that from this point in our lives forward, all of our decisions now have another important component, the health of our unborn child. We stopped eating all meats except seafood. We eliminated cows milk, sugar, sodas, and dead foods.

We added fresh juices, home made almond milk, honey, meals and desserts made from vegetables, fruits, nuts, and wonderful salads and dressings. Meals are never boring.

Now, in my late 50’s, I am in the best shape and health of my life. My husband recently had his arterial plaque measured and it was shown that he has zero % plaque buildup in his arteries.

I am very pleased with our life choices and I am committed to providing you with the unbiased information to allow you to make the right choice for you and your family.

  • B.A. Psychology UMBC
  • Certified Health Coach
  • Certified Hormone Health Counselor
  • Certified Personal Trainer / Fitness Instructor
  • Certified CPR